Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Early Morning Grouper Show.

Let us tune into the Grouper Family on this early morning news update from Gabe the Fish Babe.

Red Grouper, apparently surpirsed by what is going on to the left.

Black Beauty being speared in the side. In Florida the experts spear the fish in head as to not ruin the fillet, they also skin dive for the fish without air tanks!
Red and Black are the shades that les Groupers sport while lazing around feasting on every damned thing they see. Dr. Red Grouper, a bit more affordable than Mr. Black Grouper Esq., is still remarkably delicious and nutritious. Both parties are weighing within the heathy range of 6-14# each. Good meat yield with a white meaty flesh? Say hello to your new best friend.

At this very moment there are hungry groupers devouring prey down in the Florida Keys. NO fish, octopus, crab, or even LOBSTER is safe from the powerful sucking system these animals extort to inhale their meals.  Imagine eating a fish that eats lobster. That's rich. Gout-city here we come!

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