Friday, July 1, 2011

Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)

Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)
How do you feel about cooking up a 15-40# sea animal that is flat as a pancake, has a reputation for being delicious, and has a migrating eye? Great? Great! Halibut has an 80% meat yield. This is helpful to keep in mind when the thought of food costs makes your blood pressure skyrocket to a level where your eyes bulge and the top of your head sizzles like a New York sidewalk in July.
I recommend labeling the Halibut on your menu under its scientific name. The front of house will not be able to pronounce Hippoglossus hippoglossus when they are reading the specials and it will be hilarious. Then you can make fun of them from the safety of your station behind the grill.
March is the beginning of Halibut season and we have the east coasters from Nova Scotia here in our warehouse. Soon to debut are the west coasters. Keep your eyes peeled for them this spring.

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