Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pike and Tina Turner: LIVE AT THE GREAT LAKES!!

What's PIKE got to do, got to do with it? 

Milky-eyed Bully

Tina, you are FIERCE.

Well, first of all, they are trap caught. This method of fishing leaves minimal impact to the Pikes natural environment. Traps promote zero by-catch because any critter that sneaks in can be released unharmed when the pikes are harvested. Pike, like Ike, is a bully by nature. Walleyes are the largest, toothiest and meanest of the perch family known to regularly rip their enemies (which include not only small fish but also mammals and birds) to shreds. NASTY!!!

Walleye refers to the pikes leering milky eye that stares numbly into the abyss. Actually, this light reflecting eye is good for seeing in the dark, much like a cat's. Since the Pike like to hunt at night this eyeball is a helpful survival tool.

4-6# each, mild flaky flesh, inexpensive and good.

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