If you haven't already heard, there is a deathly anemia pandemic affecting salmon farms worldwide. Fish are dropping dead left and right like flies. Now scientists are worried about said disease spreading to wild salmon populations. Paul Greenberg, the author of the must read for fish-eaters
"Four Fish" writes an article for GILT Food about the consequences, and possible solutions of salmon farming on wild stocks. I highly reccommend this article, as well as his contributions to the New York Times and his books. He presents a very unbiased arugument about wild very farmed fish stocks and his style of writing will keep you hooked!
"ANEMIA?!?! I'm getting the hell outta here!!!" |
"Guys, Did you hear about Ernie? He split early this morning. I guess he had a one night stand with that farmed chick from out of town and now hes freakin' out!!" |
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