This past weekend was a trip. Not only did I crack massive amounts of organic garlic for the planting with the Prospector Farm crew, but I also got to go trout fishing in the creeks of Roxbury, NY. Here is my pathetic, measly catch :)
Beheaded Trout stuffed with Organic Fennel. Twas good. |
Roxbury is a rural town in the Catskills about 3 hours north of Manhattan. The farmers at Prospectors use Pierless fish guts to fertilize their organic vegetable crops. Here is a video of one of their little baby pigs leaving the area where they keep the layered fish-gut-and-manure pile, which is decomposing into rich soil as we speak!
OIIIINK! Run Piggeh Run!
There were birds everywhere, and as the astute farmer mentioned to me, "Birds of a feather really do flock together." Look at these weird ducks as they swarm around near a pumpkin. Did you know that there is a pumpkin shortage in the Northeast this year? Hurricane Irene flooded and did a damn doosey on the pumpkin fields.
Look guys, theres one of those rare round orange things... What are they called? PUMPKINS.
I caught meself a guinea hen. My man told me if I caught a guinea hen he would slaughter it and we would eat it for dinner. The guinea hen pooped on my foot, which was clearly a sign of good luck. To thank the hen, I saved him from his pending doom (for now).
The hen and I. |
We shucked and tied lots of decorative corn. Get a load of this Oaxacan Green. Thats the good shit. YEEEEHAW!
Sticky Icky. Dry it up and Tie it up.
We hung ours above the T.V. so we could think about popcorn while we watched the news. |
After farming cracking, drying, fishing, and selling organic veggies at the last farmers market of the season we were STARVING. We concocted a stew of free range lamb and organic veggies all from the farm. Self sustainable, we are. Too bad the stew took 4 hours to cook, I burnt the shit out of my mouth when I ate the stew because I was too greedy. Go figure. It was delicious!
I know you are jealous. |
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